Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Copd And Carbohydrates Why (specificaly) Would A Patient With COPD Breath Better When He Is A Sitting Position?

Why (specificaly) would a patient with COPD breath better when he is a sitting position? - copd and carbohydrates

Why (especially) would be a COPD patients breathe more easily, while sitting?


Matt A said...

Patients with advanced pulmonary disease (COPD) usually assume a tripod position (prevented) the hands on your knees if you encounter difficulty in breathing. The result is a position which optimizes the mechanical respirator. Therefore breathe easier.

M'Lady Aileana said...

If you are due to the severity of their body weight presses on the diaphragm and chest making it difficult to expand the lungs and breathing completely.

If you are far away from that pressure, so it is easier to physically breathe fully expand the chest and lungs.

When you sit in a position slightly forward with hands on knees or thighs and under the arms really outstretched're chest, extending vertically a little more than sit straight. What makes it even easier, a full breath when the body work with you and not against you

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